Community Life

The Wayfinders
Wednesday 6:30-8:00pm || Preschool-5th Grade (Preschool: 3years potty trained)
Wayfinders is a Wednesday night club for kids. Each night consists of large group worship, Bible stories, games, small group time, prayer & snacks. We encourage kids to come to church, bring their Bibles, memorize Bible verses, and participate with service projects to help others.
Explorers – Sunday Mornings at 10:15am
Explorers (3yo-5th grade) The kid’s will be released during the worship service.
(Schedule subject to change during the Summer)
Nursery (infant-2 yrs) – Little ones are loved and cared for in a play-based environment with Bible stories and songs. Sign in at the Nursery found in the Foyer.
For more information contact: Kassie Paradowski, 698-8252 x20 or Email Kassie

Uncharted – Student Ministries
HIGH SCHOOL. | MIDDLE SCHOOL: Sundays 5:00 – 6:30 P.M.
We believe we were created to be in relationship with God and with one another. Life is better with friends. Hang out, laugh, eat, and worship each week with other students. We believe in fun and growing spiritually. Each night begins with a fun game/activity and then a time of worship. It is our hope that together students and leaders would grow in the knowledge and experience of Jesus Christ.
ROOTS Student Ministries wants to be real and authentic about who we are – with each other and with God. All are welcome to come and experience the love of Jesus. There is a place for you here.
There are lots of great memories just waiting to be made! Additional events are planned throughout the year aimed at developing stronger friendships and serving others.
We long for you to have an authentic and real faith, experienced through a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ and others. Prayerfully, as the Holy Spirit leads, we hope that you discover a rich life that pours out love and kindness into those around you.
Together We Value: Humility, Unity, Authentic Faith, Spiritual Disciplines, Moral Boundaries, Meaningful Friendships, Wise Choices, Putting God and Others First, and Walking Out What We Talk About.
We want to be part of your team. We desire to not only serve your student, but you as well. Through open and consistent communication, we hope to develop opportunities to serve you as a parent. ROOTS Student Ministries is part of Gaines Church, where multiple opportunities are available for you to grow deeper right along side your student. Life is busy, but don’t miss out on opportunities to grow closer to God as an individual and as a parent. Please use the contact form with questions you have about ROOTS Student Ministries and Gaines Church.
All volunteers working with students have a yearly background check conducted.

Community Groups
Small gathering where people grow spiritually, connect relationally, and serve community.
Women’s Group
A group that meets every other Tuesday evening at 6:30 P.M.
Cooking With Fire
A men’s group that meets on the first Friday of every month.
Men’s Bible Study
A men’s group that meets every Wednesday morning at 6:30 A.M.
Prayer Gathering
A group of prayer warriors who meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday evening of each month at 7:00 P.M.
Adult Sunday School
A Bible study that meets on Sunday mornings at 10 A.M.
Young at Heart
A group of 55+ who meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month for food and fellowship.